Formal notice to all members
The Liverpool Irish Centre Annual General meeting will take place on Thursday 16th September 2021 at 7pm at The Liverpool Irish Centre 6 Boundary Lane Liverpool. All paperwork is on our website in advance of the meeting, including the accounts, Acting Chair report, Trustee applications and minutes of AGM April 2019
The meeting will not be set out in theatre style, people will be seated at tables. It would help us with numbers if you can let Maureen Morrison know if you are attending.
1 Minutes of the AGM dated 28 April 2019
2 Report on the Accounts to the year end March 2019/ 2020
3 Report of the Chair on the activities of the Liverpool Irish Centre 2019-2021
4 Election of new trustees to the committee
5 Business plan
6 Report on the premises at Boundary Lane.