A notice to all members
The Liverpool Irish Centre Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 7pm at The Liverpool Irish Centre 6 Boundary Lane Liverpool L6 5JG. We will be posting on our website all of the relevant papers in advance of the meeting, including the accounts and any papers supporting applications to become a trustee (see below) twenty one days before the date of the meeting.
The meeting will have before it the following formal agenda:
1 Minutes of the AGM dated 3rd November 2022
2 Report on the Accounts to the year end March 2023
3 Report of the Chair on the activities of the Liverpool Irish Centre 2022-2023
4 Election of new trustees to the committee
Resolutions arising from the above where appropriate will be posted on the website with the formal notice of the meeting twenty one days before the meeting. You need to have your subscription paid up to date by 9th November 2023 if you wish to vote at the meeting but anyone can attend. Details of how to become a member can be found on the website.
If any (fully paid-up) member wishes to join the committee, they must give notice of application to the Administrator, Maureen Morrison by no later than 5pm on Tuesday 24th October 2023 either in hard copy by post, or delivery by hand to the Liverpool Irish Centre or by email at mmorrison@liverpoolirishcentre.org. The notice must contain a short statement of the candidate’s background and reasons for wishing to join the committee, together with details of the persons nominating and seconding the application who should either sign the application or email confirmation to similar effect.
Any resolution which a member seeks to put before the AGM must be delivered to Maureen Morrison by 5pm on Tuesday 24th October 2023 by hand, post or email.
All applicants to join the committee of trustees must be motivated by a desire to further the work of the Centre and to assist in providing the best possible amenities for the pursuit of Irish cultural activities. We aim to be the best Irish Centre in the UK and the best community Centre in Liverpool. We aim to provide the best possible welcome to all who come to the Centre regardless of race, religion, creed, age or gender. All applicants must be committed to making the Centre a diverse and inclusive place. The committee reserves the right under clause 26 of the Constitution to decline any application if the committee considers the applicant does not adhere to the values of the Liverpool Irish Centre. There are currently twelve trustees. Two have indicated they wish to retire from the committee. An additional two must stand down and apply for re-election if they so choose.
Pursuant to Clause 26 of the Constitution, the Trustees state as follows: in the event that a member applies to become a member, the Trustees shall consider whether that application is fit and proper, and suitable to be put before the members to decide whether the applicant should be elected to be a Trustee of the LIC. In the event that the Trustees decide that the applicant is not fit and proper and the application should not be considered by the members at the AGM, that applicant shall have a right of appeal at the AGM which will be conducted as follows:
The applicant may address the meeting for no more than five minutes on why the decision of the trustees was wrong and should be overturned and why the applicant should be allowed to participate in any ballot to elect new trustees at the AGM. The applicant will be allowed to distribute to those present a written submission on one side of A4 paper.
The Trustees shall have a right of reply which will be made by one member of the Committee of Trustees which will last no more than five minutes.
The meeting will then proceed to a vote as to whether the application to become a trustee should be put to the members. The outcome will be decided on a simple majority.
There will be no right of appeal by either party.
The Trustees
Liverpool Irish Centre
10th October 2023